Dear friends/Dear colleagues and partners:
Let me begin by welcoming you to the Mediation Training for Young Women Professionals.
The UN family in Azerbaijan, with technical support from UN Women and organizational support from the Latvian Embassy, is organizing this two-day mediation training for women peacebuilders, social workers, and development professionals.
The main objective of this effort is to enhance the overall understanding of the role of civil society and how women can contribute to social cohesion, peace negotiations, as well as lead efforts towards sustainable peace and development.
It is fantastic to see so many motivated women joining us today.
About one-third of the group is based in the regions of Azerbaijan; we have representatives from Shusha, Jabrayil, Tartar, Zangilan, Gubadli, Kalbajar, Mingachevir, Sumgait and Baku.
Seven out of the 20 participants are women who are internally displaced due to the conflict, and keen to develop mediation skills and support their communities.
But we have also today with us women , who after a protracted displacement , this July went back to the newly built Aghali village.
Activists, peacebuilders, social workers, teachers and trainers, representatives of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs, Special Representatives’ offices and other local governance structures, the National WPS National Advisory Council- a room full of talent, and passion.
Dear friends,
Twenty-two years have passed since the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
And still there is lot that needs to be done.
The UN Secretary General’s 2021 Report shows that we have made limited progress in implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda.
In 2020, women represented only 23 percent of delegates in peace processes, led or co-led by the United Nations.
None of the ceasefire agreements reached between 2018 and 2020 included the prohibition of sexual violence, and the percentage of peace agreements with gender provisions stands at 28.6 percent.
As of 31 December 2020, only 5.2 percent of military troops in peace operations were women, which is below the 6.5 percent target set by the United Nations for 2020.
Thus it is key that we keep positioning the women in the centre of our efforts to promote sustainable peace and development.
Throughout 2022 UN family and partners organised series of events promoting the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, an advocating for finalisation and adoption of the National action Plan.
Yesterday, a conference co-organized by the Latvian Embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with support from the UN in Azerbaijan and British Embassy discussed the role of women in the post conflict and recovery process.
It was heartening to see different stakeholders representing government, the national parliament, civil society, international organizations, and media gathered to support diversity and inclusiveness for building and sustaining peace and security.
Diversity brings strength, inclusiveness brings resilience to shocks.
We need both in today’s world.
Dear friends,
Before concluding my brief remarks, I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm the UN Azerbaijan’s continued commitment to support Azerbaijan to implement the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and to increase women’s equal and meaningful participation in peace processes and all aspects of life.
I hope that this two-day mediation training will equip you with the skills and confidence to further support your local communities, help you build the necessary strength and resilience to sustain peace, and provide you with a network of women development professionals, colleagues, and friends, who, like yourself, are striving to make a change.