Press Release

UN supported beach clean-up campaign dedicated to "Caspian Day" in Baku

12 August 2018

  • On the occasion of the "Caspian Day" a clean-up was held in Buzovna beach to clean the seafront from plastic and other wastes.

The event was organized by the UN Office in Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Republican Child and Youth Development Center under the Ministry of Education, the resident company of Balakhani Industrial Park "AzEkol" LLC and "EkoSfera" Public Union.

The event has brought together some 100 government officials, representatives of the United Nations (UN) agencies, representatives of partner organizations and the media.

The aim of the event is to increase the role of the public in bettering ecological conditions of the Caspian Sea and the coastal zone and to strengthen public co-operation in this area.

This initiative, along with the "Caspian Day," addresses the 12th, 14th and 15th UN Sustainable Development Goals in Azerbaijan. Organizers said that such enlightenment initiatives dedicated to sustainable consumption, protection of the seas, ecosystem preservation and environmental protection will be organized on a consistent basis.

During the beach clean-up campaign, 5 hectares of land cleared of waste and 10 m3 of waste sorted accordingly.

12 August is celebrated as "Caspian Day" annually after the ratification of Framework (Tehran) Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea on 12 August 2006.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative