FAO supports Azerbaijan in implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in food and agriculture
24 September 2018
- Accelerating the contribution of sustainable food and agriculture to the achievement of the SDGs in Azerbaijan is the focus of a national workshop jointly organised by the National Coordination Council for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NCCSD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The event has brought together 45 representatives of state agencies involved in the areas of agriculture, food, forestry and fisheries, as well as stakeholders from the private sector, civil society and academia. Representatives of UN agencies and international institutions also attended the event.
Aiming at analysing the multifaceted and multidimensional linkages between agriculture and SDGs in the context of Azerbaijan, the workshop concentrated on increasing understanding of the potential contribution of agriculture to inclusive and sustainable development as well as national economy diversification in Azerbaijan. The pathways and necessary actions to enhance the contribution and unfold the multiplier effects of agriculture, food, forestry and fisheries to the achievement of the SDGs in Azerbaijan were also discussed.
Following the opening speeches by Ali Ahmadov, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the NCCSD, Inam Karimov, Minister of Agriculture, Ghulam Isaczai, UN Resident Coordinator and Melek Cakmak, Head of FAO Partnership and Liaison Office in Azerbaijan, the short film related to SDG2 - Zero Hunger, produced in the framework of FAO project, was demonstrated.
As part of the workshop, presentations were made by invited FAO officials Mr Ewald Rametsteiner, Programme Coordinator (Global Delivery), FAO Strategic Programme on Sustainable Agriculture; Mr Giorgi Kvinikadze, FAO Regional Statistician, Hamid El Bilali, expert from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)as well as speakers from the Ministry of Agriculture, State Committee on Family, Woman and Children Affairs, from Melioration and Water Management OJSC/Azersu and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
This workshop is organised in the framework of FAO project supporting capacity development in implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Azerbaijan, which is implemented with technical and scientific support of BOKU