Press Release

WHO organized a workshop with national partners to discuss the health needs of Azerbaijan and ways to address them

24 September 2022

  • The 5-day expert mission of WHO (September 19-23) completed its work in Azerbaijan with the workshop joined by 57 health professionals from national health partners, including the Ministry of Health, TABIB, State Medical University, State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors, medical colleges and healthcare facilities located in Baku and regions, as well the experts from WHO and UNICEF.

The participants of the workshop discussed the priority health needs of the country and possible ways of addressing them in primary healthcare, service delivery in hospitals, healthcare workforce, and nursing.  4 separate group discussions were held to suggest tailored solutions to challenges in those fields.

Together with data gathered from the mission’s meetings and field visits, the conclusions drawn from the workshop will serve as the key source of insights for WHO’s planning on how to most effectively contribute to Azerbaijan’s efforts to transform the country’s healthcare and strengthen health systems. 

WHO, in close partnership with national counterparts, has been actively supporting Azerbaijan in upscaling the quality, and coverage of the delivery of healthcare services and preventing public health emergencies. The mission and its workshop took place as part of these efforts.

Fanara Bunyadzada

Fanara Bunyadzada

Communications Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

World Health Organization

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