Press Release

EU funded training on recognition of informal and non-formal learning organized by UNDP, the State Agency on Vocational Education and the Agency for Provision of Quality in Education

23 September 2020

  • An EU-funded two-days expert training programme on the recognition of informal and non-formal learning was organized by UNDP, the State Agency on Vocational Education and Education Quality Assurance Agency, bringing together VET experts, private sector representatives and field consultants.

The training covered procedures on conducting theoretical and practical assessments of citizens who wish to document and validate their knowledge and skills.

Once these assessments are carried out, the citizens will receive certificates that will help increase their chances to find a job or to take their career to a new level. The promotion of certified recognition of informal and non-formal learning is expected to open new opportunities for skilled and competent workforce on Azerbaijan’s labour market.

The first validation exams will take place this month for candidates wishing to certify their knowledge on plastering and drywall systems. The exams will be organised by the support of the Agency for Provision of Quality in Education and “Knauf Marketing Baku” – the international company experienced on production of construction materials. The special exam commission chaired by the Agency for Provision of Quality in Education will do the assessment and provide certificates to the candidates with high results.

This training programme organised prior to the exams is implemented as part of the “Support to the establishment of Regional Industrial Vocational Education and Training (VET) Competence Centre in Ganja” project, funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP and the State Agency on Vocational Education with the aim to strengthen and modernise Azerbaijan’s vocational education and training system.

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Communications Associate

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative