Press Release

FAO Azerbaijan held a meeting with Young Leaders

07 May 2024

Mr. Hayat said, "FAO understands that the key to the future lies in the hands of the next generation and we are optimistic about the future despite the challenges ahead."

On May 7, 2024, a meeting with 'Young Leaders' took place at the Partnership and Liaison office of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Azerbaijan. 

The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss climate change, Sustainable Development Goals, challenges, and opportunities for future cooperation, and to exchange knowledge on effective directions to act upon. 

At the organized meeting, Mrs. Adila Aliyeva, Manager of Work with Volunteers at COP29, Mrs. Anastasia Lavrina, CBC TV presenter and expert commentator, Mr. Azer Aliyev, General Director of the Youth Development and Career Center, and Mr. Roman Gojayev, International youth expert and Gender Hub Azerbaijan co-founder and executive director, participated. The youth representatives made a presentation informing the FAO team about the institution they represent and the activities they are currently performing. 

During the meeting, Mr. Nasar Hayat, the representative of FAO in Azerbaijan, made an opening speech. After greeting the youth, he informed them about the activities of FAO related to youth. In his speech, Mr. Hayat said, "FAO understands that the key to the future lies in the hands of the next generation and we are optimistic about the future despite the challenges ahead."

In turn, FAO experts exchanged ideas with the youth about the work that has been implemented and future prospects. At the end of the meeting, it was decided to continue the cooperation in the directions mentioned during the discussion.

Shahin Huseynzade

Shahin Huseynzade

Communication Advisor

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative