An innovation exhibition was held in Guba
24 November 2022
- On November 22 an exhibition "Innovations in Agriculture" was held in Guba district within the framework of the project "Strengthening of Agricultural Advisory Services" financed by the European Union, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

At the exhibition, representatives of 18 institutions operating in the Guba-Khachmaz region, the head of the Guba district executive power Ziyaddin Aliyev, the first deputy chairman of the Agrarian Services Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture Anar Azimov, the national coordinator of the "Strengthening of Agricultural Advisory Services" project Seymur Yusifli, Anar Ilyasov, the head of the FAO office for the Guba-Khachmaz region, the director of the Guba Regional NGOs Resource and Training Center, the local partner of the project, the project coordinator Eynulla Kheyrullayev, the employees of the organization, the employees of the Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Tea Growing, the employees of the Guba Regional Training Center participated. Also, 201 people, including 54 farmers from Guba district Zardabi settlement "Gavaly" platform and Guba district Alekseyevka community "Alma" platform, participants from 18 institutions invited to the event, and guests participated in the exhibition.
At the Innovation Fair, LLCs operating in the Guba-Khachmaz region demonstrated their agricultural equipment, irrigation systems, fertilizers, disinfectant solutions, pesticide sprayers, water sprinkler systems, irrigation control sensors, climate stations and informed the participants.
Employees of the Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Tea Growing brought new seedlings and saplings to the attention of the participants.