Press Release

IOM Azerbaijan organizes training sessions for the staff members of the State Migration Service to use its new electronic Readmission Case Management System

19 April 2022

  • On 14 and 19 April 2022, IOM Azerbaijan organized two sessions for the staff members of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the electronic Readmission Case Management System (RCMS). 

This new digital solution for return and readmission case management developed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has intuitive interfaces and is adapted to the context of Azerbaijan. Therefore, it did not take long for the future users of the electronic RCMS to start exploring and probing the full functionality of the RCMS during the training and testing sessions.

The two training and testing sessions  delivered by IOM Azerbaijan’s service provider Technofusion LLC were tailored to the needs of different groups of the future RCMS users: those who will process readmission and transit cases through their individual regular user accounts and those who will adjust various settings in the RCMS through the primary user accounts to ensure the correct workflow and access rights.

The participants were provided with test scenarios that they can later apply in the RCMS, to check how the System responds, and to share the outcomes of the testing with the RCMS developers and IOM. The future users’ feedback and change requests will also be essential for the next releases of the System.

While future users are acquiring skills for operating the electronic RCMS, the IT staff of the State Migration Service is testing the newly installed IT equipment and software purchased and handed over by IOM Azerbaijan to ensure security and integrity of the RCMS when operations go live.

Deployment of the electronic Readmission Case Management System and related activities are implemented by IOM Azerbaijan in partnership with the State Migration Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the “Strengthening Readmission Management in Azerbaijan” project funded by the European Union via the EURCAP Facility.

Ilgar Xudiyev

Ilgar Khudiyev

Communications Associate

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration

Goals we are supporting through this initiative