Press Release

Azerbaijani students discuss the world’s pressing issues at ADA Model UN Conference

13 April 2022

  • To mark the 30th anniversary of the UN-Azerbaijan partnership, the UN Office has partnered with the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, ADA University and ADAMUN to organize a three-day Model UN Conference.

The launch event has brought together over 120 government and UN officials, as well as representatives of academia, civil society and the media.

“Simulation exercises are excellent experience for the young people in strengthening their practical skills before they become actual leaders,” the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said. “The fact that the participants test their knowledge and skills in addressing challenging global topics is noteworthy especially in light of recent global developments,” Minister Bayramov added.  

“The United Nations has long recognized that the imagination, ideals, and energy of young people are vital for the continuing development of the societies in which they live. And I am thrilled to see such enthusiastic group of young people ready to tackle global issues,” UN Resident Coordinator Vladanka Andreeva said. “You are powerful agents for change and your voices must be fully heard. We need to ensure that young people  have a seat at the table and help design solutions for greener, healthier and safer world,” Resident Coordinator concluded. 

About 70 students from 15 universities and high schools will roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate the UN Security Council meeting, the UN Climate Change Conference – ADACOP, and the UN Economic and Social Council session. They will discuss and adopt resolutions on global pressing issues such as cybersecurity, forced displacement of people, climate change and food security.  

The Model UN Conference is part of a year-long campaign dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the UN-Azerbaijan partnership, which has been launched on 2 March. On this day in 1992, Azerbaijan became a member of the United Nations, following UN General Assembly resolution 46/230. Two months later, on 6 May, Azerbaijan opened its permanent mission to the UN in New York. The first UN office in Azerbaijan opened in November 1992. Thus, 2022 marks two major anniversaries: the 30th anniversary of Azerbaijan’s UN membership and the 30th anniversary of the UN’s formal presence in Azerbaijan.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

Goals we are supporting through this initiative