Press Release

WHO continues to support the strengthening of the emergency care system in Azerbaijan

09 February 2022

  • WHO Azerbaijan, in collaboration with partners from the Government of Azerbaijan, gave start to the Emergency Care Services Strengthening Week on February 7, with an International Symposium on Emergency Care System and Emergency Medicine as an Academic Discipline.

This symposium focused on identifying priorities in enhancing the health system and presenting evidence-based policy guidance for strengthening the health system in Azerbaijan was attended by more than 80 participants.

Dr Geray Geraybeyli, Rector of Azerbaijan Medical University opened the symposium by welcoming all participants. Dr Nadir Zeynalov, the Deputy Minister of Health emphasized the importance of emergency care services within the health system. Dr Hande Harmanci, WHO Representative in Azerbaijan stated that WHO is honored to be able to support Azerbaijan in their endeavor to strengthen the health system in general and the emergency care system in particular. Mr Araz Nasirov, representing SAMHI, talked about the reforms in the emergency care system.

The symposium was also attended by the representatives from Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) and Turkish Ministry of Health, Clinical Medical Center, directors and staff members of hospitals throughout the country as well as international experts on emergency care.

The week will continue with the launch of two courses – “Case Management in Emergency” as well as “Emergency Unit Management”. One of the most important activities that will take place this week will be the agreement on a road map for emergency care services strengthening in Azerbaijan for the coming years with the participation of all stakeholders.

Fanara Bunyadzada

Fanara Bunyadzada

Communications Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

World Health Organization

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