Press Release

IOM Azerbaijan and UNDP organize three-month training for victims of trafficking and gender based violence

28 February 2023

During these three months, 30 beneficiaries, including both victims of trafficking and gender-based violence, will participate in training in accounting, computer skills, and leadership courses.

On 28, February 2023, IOM Azerbaijan, in collaboration with UNDP, launched a three-month soft skills training within the Countering Trafficking in Persons Activity. During these three months, 30 beneficiaries, including both victims of trafficking and gender-based violence, will participate in training in accounting, computer skills, and leadership courses. The trainings will be conducted at the Women Resource Center in Sumgayit, which was established under the USAID-funded UNDP project. This is a good example of synergy and illustration of how two USAID-funded projects and two UN organizations may effectively deploy their resources to achieve a common goal and assist those in need.

USAID’s Countering Trafficking in Persons Activity, implemented by IOM since 2015, assists the Government of Azerbaijan and NGOs to further improve Azerbaijan's effectiveness in preventing and combating trafficking in persons and forced labor as well as addressing gender-based violence. This includes technical and financial support to civil society organizations and shelters that assist potential and actual victims of trafficking and forced labor.

Ilgar Xudiyev

Ilgar Khudiyev

Communications Associate

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration
United Nations Development Programme

Other entities involved in this initiative

United States Agency for International Development

Goals we are supporting through this initiative