COVID-19 vaccination leaflet for high-risk groups
As part of the European Union (EU)-funded COVID-19 Vaccination Support project implemented by World Health Organization (WHO) a leaflet for the high-risk groups for COVID-19 such as elderly people and patients with underlying medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, hypertension) was prepared. Study shows that elderly patients are at higher risk for COVID-19 coronavirus disease. Thus, in case of testing positive they might be rushed to intensive care being connected to ventilator. Furthermore, having certain chronic medical conditions elderly people risk to face with deterioration of health. Therefore, elderly people and patients with underlying conditions are strongly recommended to get vaccinated with two doses, as well as the third and the fourth booster doses.
The leaflet provides the detailed information about preventive measures to overcome the disease even after getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Wearing face masks, keeping social distance, covering mouth and nose with flexed elbow while coughing or sneezing, the ventilation in confined spaces, as well as the hand hygiene and desinfection are of high importance to ensure effective protection.
Together with local counterparts WHO continues to fight against COVID-19 and to contribute to strengthening nationwide immunization programmes with the financial support of the European Union.
You can download the leaflet on the COVID-19 vaccination via the link below: