Press Release

European Union and UNDP supports the modernization of vocational education content in Azerbaijan

18 April 2022

  • The European Union (EU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the State Agency on Vocational Education supports the actions for the agile and continuous adaptation of vocational education and training (VET) to the needs of the labour market in Azerbaijan.

Today, as part of the Dual Vocational Education programme, a roundtable was organised to debate the "chef" training curriculum with the participation of vocational education institutions and various employers in Azerbaijan. The event is planned to get feedback of key employers and professionals regarding the current vocational education programme and modules with the aim to support the according adaptation of this vocation to the market demands.

The event is implemented as part of the EU-funded “VET for the Future” project, under

a component of innovative approaches in education and accordingly, dual education programme/work-based learning activity. The dual education programme in VET enables women and men students learn in real work environments. This approach aims directly increase the quality of vocational education, modernise the provided services, as well as enhance the future inclusive employment of students.

At the event, the curriculum specialist raised issues about competency-based training, vocational and qualification standards, curriculum format, modular approach and the employers' expectations. The participants discussed about challenges faced by women and men students in the market, debated about the labour market relevance of current education in vocational education centers, also conducted group works on the main topics of the “chef” curriculum. The experts representing the leading hotels and restaurants of Azerbaijan shared their opinions and mapped the constructive adjustments for the curriculum aiming to improve the training in VET institutions.  

Along with the official parties, “Azerbaijan Chefs Guild”, “CASA Culinary Center”, “Boyuksaray”, “Saffron restaurant group: Paris Bistro”, “Amburan”, “Hard Rock Cafe”, “Zazu”, “Big Chef” restaurants, as well as chefs and specialists from “Boulevard Marriott Hotel”,

“JW Marriott Hotel” and “Courtyard by Marriott” participated. Prior to this event, a preliminary preparation meeting of the experts has been organised and the series will continue with the next assemblies.

This approach will be applied for the other directions of dual education programme implemented under this project.

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Communications Associate

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative