Press Release

EU and UNDP support rebranding of vocational education in Azerbaijan

15 April 2022

  • The State Agency on Vocational Education presented its new brand concept, developed with the support of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The new logo which has a human silhouette in its center sends the message that human capital development is a main priority, and the books and pens symbolize the important role that science and education play in advancing human development.

The main goal of this rebranding effort is to raise awareness about the important innovations that are taking place in the area of vocational education in Azerbaijan and to showcase that vocational education is one of the right choices to prepare better for the jobs of the future for women and men.

The new brand concept was developed as part of the “VET for the Future: Development of VET Providers’ Excellence in Azerbaijan” project, funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the State Agency on Vocational Education. The project aims to support the modernisation of VET institutions in Azerbaijan to deliver competence-based training in order to increase the attractiveness and labour market relevance of VET.

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Communications Associate

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative