Press Release

EU-WHO project handed over 600 equipment to national healthcare authorities

07 April 2022

  • In the framework of the "COVID-19 Vaccination Support" project implemented in Azerbaijan by the World Health Organization (WHO) with the financial support of the European Union (EU), the ceremony for handover of equipment was held on April 7th, the World Health Day.

The event dedicated to the traditional European Immunization Week annually celebrated in late April took place in the Innovation and Supply Center under the Ministry of Health (MoH) with participation of Dr Nadir Zeynalov, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Dr Vugar Gurbanov, Acting Head of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB), Dr Hande Harmanci, WHO Representative and Head of Country Office in Azerbaijan, Mr Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the EU to Azerbaijan, as well as local healthcare counterparts.

During the event, the activities conducted in the framework of the project in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the main achievements were presented. For strengthening the cold chain system in the country to store the COVID-19 and other routine vaccines, 100 vaccine refrigerators of 145 litres were handed over to the MoH′s Hygiene Epidemiology Centers, whereas 200 vaccine refrigerators of 98 litres were presented to the TABIB medical facilities. All the vaccine refrigerators capacitated by the WHO were supplied with voltage stabilizers and the WHO-prequalified 30-day temperature loggers. Along with the vaccine refrigerators, 122 vaccine carriers with a special comfortable design to be used for outreach immunization campaigns, as well as 102 computers, 79 printers, and 79 UPS devices for improving of digitalization and monitoring system were also handed over to the national healthcare authorities.

It is planned to deliver additional equipment and devices in the frame of the "COVID-19 Vaccination Support" project to ensure safe storage and secure transportation of vaccines. In this regard, 500 more vaccine carriers will be handed over to TABIB at the end of April. Furthermore, to ensure proper use of the equipment provided training courses will be organized for the staff members of the healthcare facilities.

The EU-funded “COVID-19 Vaccination Support” project implemented by WHO Azerbaijan Country Office since June 2021 covers three years and aims at fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthening routine immunization programs in the country. The project is part of the continued support of the EU and the WHO to Azerbaijan.  

Fanara Bunyadzada

Fanara Bunyadzada

Communications Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative