Press Release

IOM Azerbaijan launched an online training on Prevention from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

25 February 2022

  • On 24-25 February 2022, IOM Azerbaijan organizes an online training on Prevention from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) for the implementing partners under the “Counter Trafficking in Persons Activity” Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


The training aims to increase the institutional capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) providing assistance to victims of trafficking and people vulnerable to TIP on PSEA that will help the understanding the definitions of SEA and its consequences on beneficiaries and the organization, the importance of establishing reporting mechanisms, as well as contribute to the development of relevant internal regulations. Training included 21 participants as social workers, psychologists and the managers from Tamas Regional Development PU, Women’s Initiative and Assistance to the Solutions to Social Problems" PU, Reliable Future Youth Organization, "Family World" Legal assistance to Families PU and “Sales of Hope” PU on Human Trafficking operating in the field of counter trafficking and gender-based violence.

Speaking at the opening of the training, Vladimir Gjorgjiev, Chief of IOM Azerbaijan, noted that IOM, applying a policy of zero tolerance of SEA, believes that all partners and actors working in direct contact with beneficiaries must develop good practices in preventing SEA and take disciplinary measures when appropriate. Referring to CSOs key role in filling the gap in TIP response and particularly in providing interventions that support and empower the victims, IOM is glad to support CSOs to develop capacities to prevent any form of sexual exploitation and abuse to beneficiaries and raising awareness among all personnel which constitute the first step to take us forward better practices and strategies.

USAID representative Angelina Allen emphasizing the importance of awareness raising on SEA, noted: “If everyone is aware of how to provide safe and robust feedback, mitigate the risks and facilitate secure reporting of SEA, we will be able to ensure that we do not harm those we are supposed to assist”.

USAID’s Countering Trafficking in Persons Activity, implemented by IOM, assists the Government of Azerbaijan and NGOs to further improve Azerbaijan's effectiveness in preventing and combating trafficking in persons and forced labor as well as addressing gender-based violence. This includes technical and financial support to civil society organizations operating shelters that assist potential and actual victims of trafficking and forced labor.

Ilgar Xudiyev

Ilgar Khudiyev

Communications Associate

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration

Goals we are supporting through this initiative