Press Release

EU, UNDP and the State Agency on Vocational Education conclude training programme for future vocational education managers in Azerbaijan

02 August 2021

  • The European Union (EU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the State Agency on Vocational Education (SAVE) concluded the intensive 9 weeks training programme for future vocational education managers.

A total of 300 applications have been received for this training programme, which was organised as part of the “VET for the Future: Development of VET Providers’ Excellence in Azerbaijan” project — funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the State Agency on Vocational Education. The project’s main objective is to help modernise VET institutions in Azerbaijan to deliver trainings tailored to the current needs of the labour market.

Since it began in May, the “Leadership and Management in VET” programme provided 14 hours of online and offline sessions on a weekly basis. The offline trainings were held in the Baku State Vocational Education Centre on Industry and Innovations, where the participants had an opportunity to learn about the facilities and services available in the centre. The participants also visited the Ismayilli State Vocational Education Centre and private tourism company in the region to discuss the latest trends.

The closing event was organised in the Baku State Vocational Education Centre on Industry and Innovations. 

During the event, 20 participants including 10 women presented what they learnt on a series of topics— from building quality monitoring and evaluation systems, improving relations with private sector, integrating effective management and communication systems, financing mechanisms for VET centres to market driven content and training in vocational education. 

The graduates of the training programme are expected to have an opportunity to apply for senior management positions – such as ‘director’ and ‘deputy director’ in vocational education institutions. Following the programme, two candidates applied the contest for the deputy directors and have been assigned as deputy directors to the Shirvan Vocational Lyceum and Mingachevir Vocational School.

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Jeyhun Alakbarov

Communications Associate

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative